Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March Madness

Well.  Haven't the last two months zoomed by.  I'm not quite sure how that happened.  But I can say that I have spent a lot of time on my *fab* new Etsy shop - pieces of candy crafts aka https://www.etsy.com/shop/piecesofcandycrafts

I had a few quilts lying around that I decided to try and sell online.  The photos came out, well, crappy.  So the ads do not convey the well crafted snuggliness of said quilts.  But I have a few baby gifts that I need to dole, so I suspect all will work out for the best.

The main products I am schilling on pieces of candy are cross stitch patterns.  I could probably spend weeks on end playing around on MacStitch, my cross stitch pattern software program of choice.  *buzz market*  The most popular pattern is that of a baby announcement that is very simple and modern, with a little elephant design.  These designs are certain nothing ground breaking and I will have to keep my day job.  But I like them, they make me happy, and the 6 or 7 people that I have customized the pattern for seem happy as well.

I was commissioned to stitch a few of these for a nice woman in NY.  I am waaayyy undercharging her (basically just for the cost of materials plus about $10, which works out to approximately $.00000001 per hour of labor), but they are fun to work on and I like the idea of my work hanging on someone's child's walls. 

So we'll see where this goes.  I'll have to post photos of the Fetus Charlie's Hungry Caterpillar quilt - the only other project I've been working on lately.  I boldly decided to free motion quilt.  I had a lot of faith in my Husqvarna quilting machine. *buzzzz*  I won't keep you in suspense - it turned out beautifully!  It seems pinning the crap out of it yielded great results.  I loved the way that you couldn't do it wrong.  Unlike stitch in the ditch or lines at right angles, anything went and you didn't have to sweat the small mistakes here and there.  The most annoying part was that my thread broke alot - I don't know if I should have been using a heavier thread or what.  Something I will have to investigate before my next FMQ project.

And for good measure, here is the Rupper:

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